

All of our services are undertaken by trained professionals with the relevant qualifications in their chosen field. 

Our approach to safeguarding

Safeguarding is all about protecting individuals from any form or abuse, harm or neglect. We support individuals on their pathway to independence through supported living and we are deeply committed to safeguarding, children, adults and young people who come into contact with its services.

 We aim to safeguard communities by working together with service users and other specialised support agencies.  

It is everyone’s basic right to live a life that is free from harm and abuse. We ensure that all our staff are responsible for supporting and safeguarding everyone within our care. We ensure everyone plays a role in being alert including being able to respond to any form of abuse and/or neglect related concerns, as well as taking measures to prevent and stop such experiences and risks.

We believe safeguarding should be a priority and that our approach is evidence based, takes account of best practice and the different safeguarding laws and regulations.

How we safeguard people from harm and abuse.

  • At Cadona Care supported living, we put individual’s needs, wishes and views at the centre of safeguarding decisions, however confidentiality is not always guaranteed as it may have to be broken should a safeguarding concern be raised. We may need to share relevant details with the local authority or other agencies to enable them to make further investigations. 
  • support individuals and encourage them to live independently and safely through safety and support planning. 
  • work collaboratively in partnership with various organisations with crucial roles in preventing or reducing the risk of neglect, abuse or harm.
  • notice and promptly respond to any concerns of neglect, abuse or harm. 
  • carefully select staff and volunteers and ensure all the necessary checks are made.
  • support and train our staff to ensure they have the relevant skills to effectively safeguard people.

Do you have a safeguarding concern?

Should you wish to raise a concern, please contact use confidentially by calling us on 01772 846 687

If you have any concerns about a young person, child or vulnerable adult and you think they are in immediate danger, please call 999 immediately.

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